Quote Form


Please complete the form below

If the form is not correctly filled out, your request may not be responded to. *

* Before submitting a quote request form, please look through existing photos of previous builds to get an idea of what you’re after. As a guide, builds with new headlights cost upwards of $800. For readily available models, such as Holden, Ford, Toyota, and VLAND, new headlights are highly recommended.


Modified headlights, tail-lights, and fog lights are not ADR approved and any colours (other than white and amber for front facing lights, and white, amber, and red for rear facing lights) are for off-road use only.

The customer accepts the product/s are to be used within the boundaries of the local laws. Unspoken Design do not take any responsibility for how the components supplied by Unspoken Design are to be used by the customer.